Chapter 8



Oh Brahman, by seeing you,

I have denied your omnipresence.

By contemplating you,

I have denied your formless mystery.

By praising you,

I have implied you are accessible to thought.

Forgive me for these three offences.



One who is not agitated by desires,

whose senses are controlled,

who is free of possessions,

who eats in moderation and covets nothing

in the world, who is gentle, pure,

serene and steadfast, who has taken refuge

in Absolute Self – such a one can be called a sage.



The sage is intelligent and insightful.

He honors others. He is farsighted,

courageous, capable and resolute.

He has triumphed over mind and senses,

but takes no credit. He is courteous,

compassionate, and a good friend to have.



The sage is non-violent and kind-hearted.

He is innocent, gracious, merciful, forbearing.

He sees everyone as God, and is good to all.

His soul has been released.

He is established in Truth.



The qualities of an Avadhuta, and the meaning

and essence of the syllables AH-VA-DHU-TA,

are known to teachers of Vendanta and the Vedas.



The quality of the sound “A” signifies

one who is free from the bondage of hope,

who is released from the idea of beginning,

middle and end, and who abides

in perpetual contentment.



The quality of the sound “VA” indicates

one who has uprooted all desires,

whose speech is uplifting,

and who lives always in the present moment.



The quality of the sound “DHU” signifies

one whose body is covered with dust,

whose mind is uncluttered by negative thoughts,

and who is beyond the need for meditation.



The quality of the sound “TA” indicates

one who is steadfast in Truth,

who does not suffer worries and desires,

and who is free of ignorance and egoism.



This song of the Avadhuta

has been composed in joy by Dattatreya.

Whoever realizes Self upon reading

or hearing this wisdom is freed from the cycle

of birth and death.



Om Tat Sat